Bring Text Alive By Adding Designs | Poppsee
I honestly couldn't tell you what my favorite quote is. I tend to emotionally pull what I am in need of at that particular moment, from...

Food For Thought? Definetly! Create Fun Artwork For Your Kitchen | Poppsee
Food has always has a large presence in artwork. From Baroque tablescapes to Cezanne's modern fruit bowls, to the famous Campbell's soup...

Out Of This World Designs That You Create | Poppsee
I am one of those people that loves to sit and stare off into the distance. The ocean, mountains, a skyline, a garden...and yes...the...

It Is So Much More Than Just A Rainbow | Poppsee
Rainbows. We all love them....right? I mean, who wouldn't? They are bright and bold and they bring a smile to our faces. They also...

Creating Visual Texture | Poppsee
Yep, visual texture is a thing. We all love to run our hands over things that are textural, so it makes sense that we enjoy looking at...

Making a Corner of Your Home Uniquely You, With Artwork | Poppsee
Browsing through Instagram yesterday, I found this great post by #Lorriecos. I fell in love with the way she has styled her space and...

Adding Black to a Feminine Art Wall Can be a Good Thing | Poppsee
You have to admit, this would be a nice space to do a little work, check your emails or browse your favorite Social Media sites. A sunny...

Mixing Patterns with Art & Accessories | Poppsee
Happy Friday Everyone! This weeks Art Tip is about the confidence to mix pattern on pattern within the same space in your home. We...

Using color as a theme in your artwork | Poppsee
Happy Friday! This week’s art tip is about using a color as a theme throughout a grouping of artwork. We found this fantastic wall...