How to Use Quote Art for Self-Expression in Your Home | Poppsee
Hey, happy Friday! Today's art tip embraces the spirit of love and family.

The season of giving is rapidly approaching, which means it's time to reflect the joy of the holidays in your home. We love displaying art with heartfelt quotes during this special time of year. With quote art, you can express your feelings through tangible items in your home.
This example from @juliedevitobutler on Instagram portrays the theme of love through three pieces of art with meaningful quotes on them. These pieces can stand alone, but they are also mix-and-matchable. You can group pieces like this together, match them with other artwork, or display them by themselves.
You could go to the store and find quote art for your home, but it is often more personal to create your own. Do you have a particular phrase you say all the time? Is there a passage from a book or a family motto that hits home? Perhaps a part of your wedding vows or your first thought when your child was born? There are many choices, but deep down we all know the right one.
The next time you come across a saying that makes you smile, laugh, or feel empowered, try turning it into art for your home. And BTW, we can help you make the perfect customized art for your space once we launch!
What is one of your favorite quotes?