Using color as a theme in your artwork | Poppsee
Happy Friday! This week’s art tip is about using a color as a theme throughout a grouping of artwork.

We found this fantastic wall through 527 Photo and we are in love. The photography is beautiful and this pink chair ties into the colors of the photos and pulls it together with the rich saturated hue and velvety shine.
Heather, is a travel photographer with a great eye and seems to love these muted, warm tones of pinks, grays and blues.
When creating your own art collection, using the same colors or tones helps to create a cohesive presentation. The entire collection doesn't have to be all one color. As you see here, the photos are different colors.... but they are all the same tone. The colors can also help tie artwork together if you are mixing the subject matter. Muted soft tones will be good for a more neutral space and bolder colors for a brighter, more lively space.
So, whatever collection of paintings, photography or prints you may have, think about how color...however subtle can soften or liven up a space. Send us photos of art walls you are proud of or tell us in the comments.
You can see Heathers work here: