Art & Wallpaper Can be a Great Combination | Poppsee

This photo is a great example of how art can work well with wallpaper. Sometimes we feel that we can only do one or the other....wallpaper or Art...not both. But I am here to tell you that you can have the best of both worlds.
So why does this example work so well? First, both the wallpaper and the artwork share the same color tones. Even though the artwork has little pops of color,
(which I love and makes the artwork stand out in just the right way) it also has some of the same color as the the wallpaper.
The large white border (or mat...I can't quite tell) on the top piece and the smaller border on the bottom create a break between the art and the pattern of the wallpaper. This allows the art to stand out and the light colored frame continues to let the art be the star without taking too much attention.
This is a lovely space that is subtle but fun with the larger pattern wallpaper. This wallpaper can take bolder color artwork but I would probably suggest that the artwork be simpler.
This photo is from the Blue Print Store and they do beautiful interior design around artwork.
Have a great Friday everyone! Let us know if you like using wallpaper and artwork together!