Finding a Cool Way to Display Your Polaroid Images| Poppsee
There is something about a Polaroid that we all love. It may be that nostalgic feeling you get from the beautiful photo that slowly appears before our eyes or it could be that we pay a little more attention to what we are photographing since the number of images per roll is limited.

A new generation of Polaroid users are finding fun way to photograph and display their images and that is why we absolutely love this "Photos as Art" display! Art doesn't always have to be framed... or on a canvas.
Creativity with how we display is as important as the artwork itself.
Here, all the fuss is gone and and we are drawn in to the photos by the fun Ombre effect. Then, you can take the time as you get closer, to see the story line of the individual photos.
This is a great display for a white wall to help the colors pop. You can also use color overlays that are in tune with the images or even to compliment other items in the room.
We have had a week of fun colors in out artwork posts on FB and Instagram, and this was a great way to finish off a Friday. Let us see what you have done with your Polaroids and check out our colorful posts on Social Media.
You can see more of this image at:
Have a colorful weekend everyone!