What is Your Definition of Artwork? | Poppsee

Artwork should reflect your style..it should connect to you. It should make you happy. That is why I think something as simple as a definition can be a unique piece of art in your home.
Think of it kinda like your personal brand. What do you want it to say about you? Sum up something about yourself that you want others to know. What word would your friends use to describe something about you?
In this photo we understand that the homeowners like to travel. It is important to them. This is a cool clean piece of artwork that probably inspires them to travel and reminds them of fun experiences they have had.
What would your definition be? Mine? It would probably be 3 stacked together. Travel, Ukiyo, and Meraki. All the things I need to remember to do.
Have a very Ukiyo weekend!
This photo was taken from: https://bit.ly/2UofEtu