Water as a Subject for Artwork | Poppsee

Water has been around forever..or a least a remarkably long time, and people have been painting it since prehistoric times.
Whether is it a wavy line on a cave wall, a dark ominous ocean from the Renaissance, or the ethereal Water Lilies by Claude Monet, water is a alluring subject.
While Claude Monet's Water Lilies are absolutely lovely, my style leans more to the contemporary. I absolutely love this artwork!
The close up detail of something as simple as water becomes intricate and intriguing with the movement of the lines and I love that this faded blue green turquoise is both soothing and colorful at the same time as well.
Just as water is dangerous yet at the same time soothing, I find a yin and yang to this artwork, noticing all of the detail in the movement of the water but being calmed by it at the same time. It is a perfect subject for summertime here in Orlando. I hope you are all visiting your favorite beach or pool! Maybe you can photograph the water and create something as beautiful as this!
You can see more about this photo here:https://bit.ly/2MT2zpa